Looking Forward To A Happy 2016

Spread The Word Blog for translators and interpreters by www.elingual.net

I hope your 2016 has been off to a happy start :)

2015 was a very rough year for the 4-person team at eLingual.Net.

Our goal for 2015 was to launch the site's 2.0 version.   

In the beginning of the year our lead developer Rod, had the design ready and was working to get it started for us; when in the spring, out of nowhere he had a huge setback.  

Rod got cancer.  

We thought his cancer was in remission but it mutated into this really super aggressive form.  

He was taken to the hospital and spent months there doing chemo trying to get better.  

The doctors were hoping for a positive outcome, so we put our 2.0 project on hold.  

Months went by, Rod was in and out of the hospital, but due to a mutation in the cells from the cancer, in November of last year, Rod passed away.

Rod's passing is a reminder of how fragile and precious life really is.  

It also highlights the fact that in our life we need to make every moment count because it is far too short.  

Personally I'm constantly reminding myself of what really is important, to be happy and to spread happiness to others.  

Which is why in 2015 my team and I decided to make eLingual.Net's mission to spread happiness.

Inspired by Rod, eLingual.Net will focus on promoting worldwide happiness through happy translators, happy interpreters, and happy clients.

For professional translators and interpreters, this means fair fees, no job bidding, and the freedom to turn their services into a sustainable business.

For clients, this means working directly with ethical, quality translators and interpreters committed to quality and value.

Our wish for you in 2016 and the rest of your life is happiness.

The eLingual.Net team and I will continue where Rod left off.  

If you have any suggestions, questions, or concerns please let us know.

Let's build something awesome together!

Spread The Word Blog for translators and interpreters by www.elingual.net

I also want to thank you for your continued support, patience and believing we will make a difference in our profession....and we are not alone.

Here are just a few articles that stood out to us in 2015.

Immigration Courts Could Lose A Third Of Their Interpreters  A new federal contractor is trying to drastically underpay language interpreters.  The American Translators Association even wrote the US Department of Justice a letter read it here.

Home Office puts plans to cut interpreters' pay on hold  A proposals to reduce pay of more than 2,000 workers deferred amid fears that boycott could throw immigration system into chaos.

Translation firm must pay $1.47M to 2,400 underpaid workers  A translation and interpretation firm that provided services to the US federal government and other clients violated federal labor laws and underpaid its nationwide corps of interpreters by $1.47 million in wages and benefits, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

As always, thank you for reading and sharing my posts.  Please if any of my blogs inspire you, give credit where credit is due.  Let's be fair, honest, and professional. Let's help each other be great and stay great!

Feel free to connect or email me, Carmen Arismendy.  I'm a professional Spanish interpreter-translator and founder of eLingual.Net.  I started the eLingual Network because I could not find a fair, no middleman, no job bidding, ethical, and transparent meeting place for translators, interpreters, and clients online.  The website is in beta phase and by no means perfect but it's a step in the right direction.
eLingual.Net's mission is to spread happiness worldwide through happy translators, interpreters, and clients.
For the professional translator and interpreter, this means no middleman, no job bidding, the freedom of setting their own fees, having control over their services, and who they choose to work with.
For the clients, this means working directly with ethical and professional translators and interpreters committed to quality and value.
Join our happy community, let's work together!


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