Quality Over Quantity

Quality over Quantity from the Freelance Collection shirt and tote bag

There is a saying in Spanish that answers the Quality vs. Quantity debate once and for all, it goes something like this, "El que compra barato compra cada rato", a rought translation is "He who buys cheap, buys often" and a similar English expression is, "What you buy cheap ends up in the trash heap".

Men's/Unisex & Women's shirts $9.99

Tote bag $4.99

Women's 'Quality over Quantity shirt and matching tote bag from the Freelance Collection
Women's 'Quality over Quantity' shirt and matching tote bag.
Men's/Unisex 'Quality over Quantity' shirt and matching tote bag from the Freelance Collection
Men's/Unisex 'Quality over Quantity' shirt and matching tote bag.
'Quality over Quantity' men's/unisex and women's shirts from the Freelance Collection
'Quality over Quantity' men's/unisex & women's shirts.
'Quality over Quantity' tote bag from the Freelance Collection
'Quality over Quantity' tote bag.

via www.elingual.net and www.spreadthewordwear.com

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